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Rent or Buy?

Should you buy or rent? This is a question most of us will likely face in our lives, whether buying a house makes more financial sense than renting a home. There is a way to understand the financial impact of buying vs. renting. The® rent vs. buy calculator can help you calculate the net cost of buying a home versus the cost of renting over time. Net costs compare the total amount of money you would be spending over time, minus the potential value you might receive if you…

Walton County

Walton County is located in the state of Florida and has an estimated population of 55,043 habitants.  Walton county offers its residents and visitors with powdery white beaches, emerald waters, enjoyable golf courses, and much more. There’s a reason many people refer to South Walton as a “getaway” instead of simply as a “vacation.” It’s because our sugar-white sand, turquoise water, and welcoming beach neighborhoods offer a mental and physical escape from day-to-day life outside of South Walton. A getaway at your perfect beach transports you to a more peaceful, relaxed, and energized…